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Steven Woda

buySAFE in the news

buySAFE has had some very nice press lately. One of my favorite blogs is Brian Smith’s, and he recently did a nice piece at on buySAFE and how important trust is to comparison shopping search. Since founding buySAFE, I have believed that buySAFE is a perfect compliment to merchant ratings in the search process because reducing the friction of uncertainty inevitably leads to better conversion metrics, and therefore, more profits for the search firms and merchants. It is nice to see a few smart folks agree.

Also, buySAFE recently had an opportunity to live up to its brand promise (Know who to trust….Guaranteed) when one of eBay’s top rated sellers went out of business. buySAFE was able to quickly step up to the plate and financially protect GlacierBayDVD’s buyers after thousands had been left holding the bag. Rob Hof of Business Week was apparently one of the unfortunate shoppers, and he covered the experience in his blog. Thankfully, buySAFE was able to help him out as well.

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