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Month: February 2012

Why Being Sleepy and Drunk Are Great for Creativity | Wired Science | Wired.com

The stupor of alcohol, like the haze of the early morning, makes it harder for us to ignore those unlikely thoughts and remote associations that are such important elements of the imagination. So the next time you are in need of insight, avoid caffeine and concentration. Don’t chain yourself to your desk. Instead, set the alarm a few minutes early and wallow in your groggy thoughts. And if that doesn’t work, chug a beer.

via www.wired.com

This is an interesting article about how the brain works. Looking for inspiration? It can come at very unexpected times!

Technology Blurring the Line Between Right and Wrong | uKnowKids

Cell phones keep us connected. They’re convenient, save us time, and could even save our lives in a true emergency. But when used irresponsibly, mobile phones can wreak havoc. And it appears that technology is blurring the line between right and wrong – for our kids, anyway.

One study from Common Sense Media reports that 1 in 3 kids use their cell phones to cheat on tests, but that 1 in 4 kids surveyed didn’t think that accessing notes during a test, texting friends with answers during a test, or using their cell to search the Internet for answers is cheating.

via www.uknowkids.com

Check out this article at uKnowKids.com's blog. Very interesting commentary about how things are changing with the introduction of new technologies.

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