… Ecommerce, Internet Security, Economics, and Entrepreneurship

Does eBay Have a Credibility Gap With Merchants in 2007?

As 2007 begins to come into focus, I thought it might be interesting to revisit an experienced PowerSeller’s perspective on eBay.  Frank Ross writes the Common Sense eCommerce blog, and in November 2006, Frank provided his commentary on eBay’s evolving relationship with e-commerce merchants.  Please give his blog post a quick review – "eBay Credibility Gap 2007".

Obviously, 2006 was a tough year for eBay and its merchants.  We regularly get emails on this subject from readers of this blog as well e-commerce merchants that work with buySAFE, and I don’t believe 2007 is turning out to be much better.  However, I would love to hear from our readers.

If you are an e-commerce merchant, we would love to hear from you on this subject.  Please leave a comment on this post if you have thoughts on eBay and its evolving relationship with e-commerce merchants.

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1 Comment

  1. Steve, thanks for the pointer on my Nov 2006 blog post! Funny, in reading what I wrote, I really don’t feel any different at this point in 2007. The commotion and flip-flopping at eBay actually did light the fire under me to expand our channels outside eBay and that is exactly the path we’ve taken this year. We haven’t left eBay yet and I continue to find it a fascinating place to do business, but with the caveat that there is life beyond eBay.

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