I have been writing quite a bit lately on eBay, and on the developing stories of lagging buyer demand and poor seller economics.  Every data point suggests that it is tougher to sell profitably on eBay these days, but it isn’t impossible.  There are eBay sellers making a nice living on eBay, and in general terms, the key is to differentiate yourself, to sell products where there is limited competition, and to operate very efficiently.

buySAFE is obviously dedicated to helping merchants positively signal their professionalism and credibility in order to differentiate themselves with shoppers, but that is only one part of the success equation for online merchants. There are a number of excellent eBay experts that I regularly consult with or that I consistently follow including Marsha Collier, Debbie Levitt, Kara Gordon, Shirley Muse, and Jim "Griff" Griffith.  Another expert that I like to follow is Skip McGrath.  Skip is the editor of the "Auction Sellers Resource" as well as a number of eCommerce-related publications.  He knows how to sell stuff on eBay, and he has recently written another book that I thought I would recommend to you.

"Titanium eBay: A Tactical Guide to Becoming a Millionaire PowerSeller" was published in June of this year.  I have given the book a quick read, and I can highly recommend it for anyone hoping to deal with the emerging challenges of selling on eBay.  His insights are unique and practical.  You can continue to get great info from Skip at his blog, "Skip McGrath’s Auction Seller’s Resource".  Enjoy, and good luck.