Entrepreneurs never really retire. They move on to their next project. Just ask Linda Remeschatis, 60, a former prosecutor in Madison, Wis., who turned her passion for local food and art into a second career. In 1998, at age 50, she left the public sector to launch her own E-commerce business, Wisconsinmade.com, an online food and gift store selling products made in her home state by local artisans. She now manages five employees and three regular consultants. Since the business doesn't have a physical storefront, most of the employees work remotely or on the ground floor of Remeschatis's home, overlooking the deer and birds in her backyard. It took Remeschatis six years to turn a profit selling cheese, chocolate, and art online, and she still makes less money than she did as an attorney, but she enjoys the work. "You don't mind it as much because you are doing it for yourself and for your family and to grow business for our artisans," she says. "And we get to taste-test."
When Judge Denny Chin sentenced Bernard Madoff to 150 years in prison, he catapulted him into a small class of white collar criminals facing more than a century behind bars..
The sentence far exceeded those in some massive corporate fraud cases. WorldCom chief Bernie Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years, Enron Chief Executive Jeff Skilling got 24 years, and Adelphia Chief Financial Officer Timothy Rigas got 20 years, but that was later reduced to 17.
Other 100-year-plus sentences include: