… Ecommerce, Internet Security, Economics, and Entrepreneurship

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Stop Worrying! How to Solve the eCommerce Trust Problem.

Jeff Grass, buySAFE’s CEO, recently posted a comprehensive article on the eCommerce Trust problem, and how buySAFE is specifically designed to tackle this big issue.  Jeff does a great job of laying out the requirements for effective online trust and safety solutions, and I thought you might enjoy the read.

"Stop Worrying! How to Solve the eCommerce Trust Problem. (A must read if you sell or buy online!)" by Jeff Grass on buySAFE’s blog

If you have any thoughts, insights, or comments on Jeff’s article, I would be very interested in hearing from you.

France, Luxury Goods, and the Counterfeit Problem

Travis Brown, buySAFE’s General Counsel & VP of International, recently spent a week in France as a guest of the French government.  The purpose of the trip was to learn more about the exploding counterfeit goods industry, and to explain how bonding merchants and buySAFE could significantly mitigate this  huge problem.

I found Travis’ post to be one of the best I have ever read on the issue of counterfeit goods, and I am sure you will agree.  I encourage you to give it a quick read.

"buySAFE Invited By French Government to Help Stop Online Sales of Counterfeit Luxury Goods" by Travis Brown on buySAFE’s blog

I am very interested in your thoughts and insights regarding the counterfeiting issue, so please share.

Related articles and blog posts:
"buySAFE Takes on the Issue of Counterfeit (Knock Off) Merchandise" by Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds

Wake Up With buySAFE on The Today Show

It’s been a lot of fun (not to mention a lot of hard work 😉 to see buySAFE grow from an idea in my head into a company that is changing the face of e-commerce. Knowing how far we’ve come makes it exceptionally rewarding when major, national news outlets cover buySAFE and the impact we are having.

One such news outlet – The Today Show on NBC – will be including buySAFE in a story that will run tomorrow, March 20 shortly after 8:00 a.m. Consumer reporter Janice Lieberman spent the day at buySAFE headquarters last week as part of a piece about the prevalence of counterfeit luxury goods being sold online. With consumers often unknowingly buying knockoff merchandise, it’s tough to know how to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Fortunately, buySAFE solves this problem. By certifying that a merchant is trustworthy and reputable, identifying the merchant with the buySAFE Seal, and taking the extra step to guarantee the transaction, buySAFE ensures a safe, smooth transaction for consumers every time. Rather than worrying about having bought a fake, shoppers that buy from a buySAFE Merchant can rest easy knowing that they’re dealing with one of the safest merchants anywhere.

I encourage you all to tune in the Today Show tomorrow, March 20th at 8:00 a.m. to see how buySAFE is making e-commerce safer and more efficient for everyone involved.

What do Digg and eBay Have in Common?

Written by Guest Blogger, Lauren Davis – Georgetown Law student

What do Digg and eBay have in common?  Their rating systems are under assault by the fraudsters, and in some cases, this mischief is undermining the systems’ credibility and effectiveness.

There has been a great deal of buzz surrounding a recent article in Wired magazine. The piece, entitled “Herding the Mob,” notes that online retail sites, such as eBay and Yahoo Auctions, and social bookmarking sites, including Digg, del.icio.us, and Reddit, share a common problem: the gaming of their community-based systems.

MySpace is Your Space. EverybodySpace.com

Written by Guest Blogger, Marc Morel – Director of Product Management, buySAFE

Web 2.0 has been ruling our world for several years now. We have all been posting, rating, blogging, podcasting, and commenting on everything from politics to the latest ball game we went to watch. This is power to the masses. And the world got better. But, did it really? I am not so sure…

The buySAFE Revolution?

Could 2007 be the year for The buySAFE Revolution?  I obviously hope so.

Brian Smith at Comparison Engines recently did a comprehensive post analyzing buySAFE’s prospects in 2007, and I thought you might enjoy the read.

"The buySAFE Revolution – 2007" by Comparison Engines

Brian writes a terrific blog, and if you are interested in eCommerce, you need to regularly check out his insights.

We obviously have a lot of work in front of us, but so far this year, buySAFE has added numerous distribution partnerships that enable tens of thousands of merchants to use buySAFE.  In addition, some of the largest merchants in eCommerce are now using buySAFE on their websites.  I hope I can report back to you this time next year with news that 2007 was, in fact, the year of The buySAFE Revolution!

Related blog posts:
"buySAFE News Update" by Jeff Grass, buySAFE Blog

buySAFE for MIVA Merchant 5

Miva_logo_1 Yesterday, buySAFE and MIVA launched buySAFE’s trust and safety solution for all MIVA 5 Merchant customers.  This is exciting news for buySAFE, MIVA, MIVA’s hosting partners, and most importantly, MIVA’s merchants. 

If you are a MIVA merchant, you can begin using buySAFE on your website store with just a few minutes worth of effort.  Not only will you be able to drive up your store’s conversion rates by bonding your eCommerce sales with buySAFE, you can use buySAFE for FREE!  It won’t cost MIVA’s merchants one penny to use buySAFE on their website stores. 

In addition, if you upgrade your buySAFE account from a Trial account to a Full account (it is still free!), buySAFE will pay you a revenue bonus on each and every bonded transaction going forward.  Yes.  You heard me right.  Not only is buySAFE free for MIVA Merchant 5 customers, but buySAFE will pay merchants to use buySAFE. 

Finally, James Harrell, General Manager of MIVA Small Business, also announced additional incentives of up to $5,000 for installing and using buySAFE.  Obviously, we seriously believe that once merchants try buySAFE, they will love buySAFE!

This is exciting news for MIVA because it provides MIVA’s merchants with a proven tool for driving higher conversion rates and sales.  MIVA is dedicated to giving its merchants cutting edge services, and this is simply the latest initiative on their part to do that.

If you are a MIVA hosting partner (premier or standard), this is big news because the buySAFE for MIVA Merchant 5 product can provide a significant new revenue stream for hosting companies.  You should contact MIVA or buySAFE for additional details on how you can take advantage of this new revenue opportunity.

For buySAFE, this is exciting news because this morning thousands of MIVA merchants can roll out of bed and, with a few easy steps, activate buySAFE on their websites!  I think that is all I need to say.

Congratulations to the buySAFE and MIVA teams for a job well done.

Survey Reveals Shoppers Are Nervous

I often hear people suggest that since eCommerce is growing so fast, shoppers are obviously perfectly confident and comfortable shopping online.  In my opinion, that is naive, and it ignores the facts. 

During the recent holiday shopping season, a new survey was published confirming that consumers are, in fact, nervous shopping online, and that these concerns are growing, not abating.  buySAFE commissioned an independent firm, InsightExpress, to survey 1,000 random, online shoppers for their views on trust, safety, security and eCommerce.  The eCommerce survey reveals that small and medium-sized retailers without well-known brand names are the big losers when it comes to nervous shoppers.  More than 1/3 of shoppers, 35%, feel "unsafe" when considering purchasing from unknown retailers.   

International Visitors Drive eBay Traffic

This AuctionBytes article by Lissa McGrath is a couple of months old, but I find it to be quite fascinating. 

During this past holiday shopping season, about 70% of eBay’s website traffic came from beyond the United States’ borders.  Wow!  Obviously, the international Internet is the real deal in 2007.  I haven’t spent any time independently analyzing this traffic data, but if true, it provides a fascinating view of how the eCommerce marketplace is evolving.

eBay and Seller Certification

Skip McGrath is the CEO of Auction Seller’s Resource – a terrific newsletter for professional eBay merchants and for those folks aspiring to make a living on eBay.

Skip recently posted a series of interesting articles on the subject of seller certification on eBay.

Part 1
Can Seller Certification Bring Buyers Back to eBay

Part 2
eBay Selling Tools To Build Your Business by Preventing Fraud

Skip has done a nice job of laying out a number of things to consider, and I encourage you to give his posts a read. 

I believe Seller Certification is part of the answer for eBay (and eCommerce in general), but my big fear is that a bunch of eBay marketing folks will get together and roll out a new "seller certification" program, and that the program will fail to actually do anything meaningful for buyers or the economic health of the eBay marketplace.  Tough, effective "seller certification" programs actually require that you have to tell some sellers that they CAN’T be "certified".  In my experience, marketing folks don’t like to tell current or prospective customers that they can’t do business together.  Tough, effective certification programs are designed to limit the players on the field, and this is usually counter to everything the marketing folks think about each and every day.

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