… Ecommerce, Internet Security, Economics, and Entrepreneurship

Category: Google

Google’s Universal Gadgets

Buysafeshoppinggooglegadget Last month, Google expanded their Gadget product so that you can now add Google Gadgets to any web page on the Internet.  The Google Universal Gadget is a big step beyond the previous incarnation that simply allowed you to add the Google Gadgets to your Google Homepage and Desktop.  I didn’t notice this improvement when it was first expanded, so I am bit late to the game.  However, I wanted to point it out to you because I love the product.

Interested developers can build Universal Gadgets by using Google’s API, and then users can take the Google Gadget and put it on any web page.

Here is an example using buySAFE’s Google Gadget.  All I had to do was go the buySAFE Shopping Google Gadget page, tailor the look and feel of the Gadget, and then cut and paste the following HTML code into my post.

<script src=”http://gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.

Voila! The buySAFE Shopping Gadget is up and running on my blog page.  Go ahead and do a quick buySAFE Shopping search via the Gadget below.  In my opinion, this is very cool.

It was very easy to create the buySAFE Shopping Google Gadget, and some developers are reporting that it can take less than 5 minutes to create simple Gadgets.  Check it out and have fun!

Related links:
Google Universal Gadgets for your website released” by Jason S
Add and Embed Google Universal Gadgets Modules to Websites and Blogs” by My Digital Life

Google acquires Jotspot and its Wiki service

One of my favorite online services, JotSpot, was just acquired by Google.  JotSpot provides a robust do-it-yourself publishing application enabling anyone to create, publish, and share collaborative and personalized wiki applications.  JotSpot powers the wikis for thousands of businesses, and many of them are major brands including eBay.

Google Planning Product Search for Holidays

The Professional eBay Sellers Alliance (PESA) held its semi-annual gather in San Francisco this past week.  The PESA Summit 2006 was a huge success with many of eBay’s largest sellers in attendance in addition to many of the most important companies in ecommerce.  buySAFE has sponsored every PESA Summit since the group’s inception in 2004. 

Although the group includes eBay in its name, most of these merchants are actually multi-channel retailers seeking to sell product whereever they can make reasonable profits.  These days, that actually means eBay sellers want to sell off eBayAuctionBytes has recently produced some very interesting research on the trend to move beyond eBay.  ChannelAdvisor‘s Scot Wingo covered eBay’s challenges on his blog last week as well  I will be writing more about this trend over the coming days because it is obviously important for all of us in ecommerce.

Fall 2006 PESA (Professional eBay Sellers Alliance) Summit in San Francisco, CA

The Professional eBay Sellers Alliance (PESA) has announced that its Fall 2006 Summit will take place in San Francisco, California on 9/20/06 – 9/22/06.  I have attended three or four PESA Summits, and they are always fabulous events.  The attendees list includes many of eBay’s largest merchants, and since most of them run fairly large multi-channel operations, these sellers also represent some of the most successful small and medium e-commerce retailers in the world.  Many of the largest e-commerce service providers will also be in attendance including eBay, Google, Overstock.com Auctions, Amazon.com, PayPal, buySAFE, ChannelAdvisor, and Infopia.  Therefore, the Summit is a great business development event as well.

If you haven’t registered for the event, you should do so quickly.  The event is limited to the first 300 registrants.  You can register at PESA’s website.

Rapleaf, Portable Reputation & Portable Trust

I had a very interesting conversation last week with a smart entrepreneur named Auren Hoffman in San Francisco. His company, RapLeaf, aims to enable portable reputation signals for people and merchants. I like almost everything I heard about what RapLeaf is trying to do, and I plan to keep close tabs on and cheer for their success.  I just signed up for Rapleaf, and you can see my Rapleaf reputation here…

swoda's Rapleaf Score

I love the idea of portable trust and reputation signals.  These two things are obviously related, but it is important to note that they are different.

We consider buySAFE a portable trust signal for online merchants. Our objective is to become the world’s leading eCommerce Trust & Safety company by making every online transaction trusted, reliable and risk-free.  So far, so good.  Today, you can find the buySAFE Seal on millions of Internet and eBay listings each and every day. At buySAFE, we enable merchants to leverage our powerful trust signal and bond guarantees across all of their eCommerce sales channels including eBay, Overstock.com Auctions, TIAS, and most recently, their web storefronts.


buySAFE’s trust signal is very black and white. You are either bonded or not. As a buyer, you are either going to enter into a risk-free transaction with a Bonded Seller, or you are going to enter into an uncertain transaction with a non-bonded seller.  Regardless of your feedback rating, the equation is still the same…risk-free or uncertainty! It is really that simple. Please check out these two stories on some of eBay’s former top feedback rating sellers to understand my point…GlacierBayDVD & Sell2All.

buySAFE believes that “no risk” is the only viable, future option for eCommerce. Buyers don’t want “a little bit less risk” or “substantially less risk”….. As the eCommerce markets mature, “no risk” is the only real option that merchants will be able to offer consumers if they want to attract and convert sales. buySAFE obviously believes that certainty is a powerful concept in signaling and that it is the missing piece in ecommerce transactions with unknown entities (I will be posting a lot in the future on the economic concepts that folks must understand in order to optimize their sales online).

Having said all of that, it is not an easy feat to become a Bonded Seller. You have to be a professional seller with a good reputation, previous sales experience, minimum sales volumes, and adequate financial stability in order to be a Bonded Seller.

What I like about RapLeaf is that it signals to buyers that the individual/merchant has a history of transacting fairly.  It is essentially a portable reputation signal that individuals/merchants can leverage on all of their online sales channels.  Rapleaf doesn’t ensure that you won’t have a bad experience, but it is a nice reputation signal for those individuals/merchants that cannot qualify to be Bonded Sellers.  That really is a huge benefit for online shoppers.  Frankly, I believe there will be lots of Bonded Sellers that will enjoy the extra benefit of a portable reputation whether that comes from RapLeaf or eBay or whoever.

Obviously, buySAFE doesn’t enable individuals to rate each other, and buySAFE has chosen to not to do this for a number of reasons. First, we started buySAFE on eBay, and eBay is very protective of its turf including its feedback rating system.  Obviously, the feedback system is critical to eBay’s success thus far, but that doesn’t mean it is the optimal system.  I don’t believe it is, and I will be talking more about this in future posts.

One last thought… Scot Wingo did a very nice job touching on portable reputation signals back in March.  He is a very smart guy, and his post is very insightful on this subject.  I do not agree with all of his thoughts, but his insights are very important nevertheless.  Most specifically, I disagree with Scot’s thesis that Google might be in the ideal position to provide a portable trust or reputation signal.  I believe buySAFE is in a far better position to provide the ideal portable trust signal for shoppers and merchants, and I hope to prove that to you over the coming weeks and months.

Google is an unbelievable company (I own its stock), but it is not an objective third party.  Payment providers and marketplaces, by definition, have to be buyer biased in order to create adequate buyer demand.  It is impossible for these firms to be effective “trust brokers” if they have any bias towards either party.  Google is now both a payments company (Google Checkout) and a marketplace (Google Base, AdSense, etc..).  By law, buySAFE has to be a discerning, objective mediator because we are regulated by the state insurance regulators in all 50 states.  We are required to protect buyers, but we are also required to protect the interests of sellers from bad buyers.  Google cannot and will not do that for merchants, and so, it can’t provide the optimal portable trust or reputation signal.  eBay and PayPal are obviously hampered by the same challenges.

Of course, they could always use a simple merchant rating system, but again, merchant rating systems are extremely imperfect signals, and the merchant ratings are not backed up by foolproof guarantees of seller performance.  Coincindentally, Ina Steiner of AuctionBytes wrote on the subject of Google’s Rating System this morning.

We will be talking a lot about eBay, Google, the economic concepts of signaling, and online trust & safety over the coming months, and I hope this is helpful for you.  Again, I am excited about Rapleaf, and I am cheering for their success.  I am not sure what they will be able to do with their business model, but I definitely see the value they can provide online shoppers.  Good luck Auren!

Google launches Google Calendar

Well we talked about this back in December, and it has finally happened. Google launched Google Calendar last week. I like it, and I suspect it will gain nice traction. I have used Yahoo’s calendar for a couple of years now, but I have always struggled with the "sharing" functionality. Google’s sharing functionality seems to work flawlessly…so far. This is my favorite part of the product.

Check it out when you get a chance.

Google announces launch of Google Romance

Google has done it again. I always enjoy their annual April Fool’s jokes, and this one is pretty creative.

This year, Google announced the launch of Google Romance. The Solumate Search and Contextual Dating options sound impressive. 🙂

Anyone remember Google Gulp in 2005?

In 2004, Google began hiring for lunar engineers for the Google Copernicus Center.

In 2002, Google announced the real secret behind their fabulous search technology, Google PigeonRank.

In 2000, launched the Google MentalPlex.

They sure do have fun over there. A belated April Fool’s Day to all.

Microsoft offers challenge to eBay and Google Base

Microsoft has finally launched its Windows Live Expo. eBay now has to consider not just the competitive threat of Google and its Google Base, but now Microsoft as well. Although 2005 was a very interesting year for eCommerce, I believe 2006 is going to be even more exciting. Obviously, the Live Expo site is brand new, and so the functionality and inventory of listings is still pretty light. However, like almost everything that Microsoft decides to tackle, I expect Live Expo will ultimately be a decent eCommerce channel at some point soon. For every eCommerce entrepreneur that makes a living selling online and for every company that supports these online merchants, the additional online competition is likely to bring new opportunity and decreased dependencies/risk. For most of us, Microsoft’s entry is a positive event.

Google Calendar?

Is Google planning to launch a Google Calendar? Well there are lots of folks that seem to think so. The rumor mill is working overtime with speculation that Google will make a big announcement at the Web 2.0 Conference in Palo Alto, CA on Tuesday, and all signs point to a new Google Calendar.

This would be a terrific piece of functionality in my mind…if done well. There are a lot of calendar tools out there, and most fail miserably. I recently signed up for Trumba after participating in a BzzAgent campaign, and I really like the service. I can share my calendar with friends, family and co-workers on a scheduled basis, and it syncs seamlessly with my Outlook. Overall, it is better than anything else I have found.

Still, there is a lot left to be desired, and Google might be able to provide that answer. My biggest concern about Google Calendar is whether or not it will sync with my Outlook. If it doesn’t, I probably won’t use it. Let’s hope it does.

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