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Category: Marketing

Seth Godin on the buySAFE Podcast Network

One of my favorite authors is Seth Godin. Recently, buySAFE was able to catch-up with Seth to get his thoughts on eCommerce, permission marketing, buySAFE, and a couple of other interesting tidbits. The buySAFE podcast was pretty interesting for me, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Although each of his books is a treat, in my humble opinion, I believe Seth Godin’s best work is Permission Marketing. If you haven’t read it, you should. The concepts he outlines terrific for folks that market online in today’s world.

Technorati: Permission Marketing, buySAFE, Seth Godin, Podcast

Del.icio.us: Permission Marketing, buySAFE, Seth Godin, Podcast

Customer service. Is it a lost art?

I recently met a smart, young marketer by the name of Craig Montgomery.  He has a terrific blog covering the subject of marketing, and he recently did a post that I thought was worth thinking about.

Customer service is something that lots of companies talk about, and very few do well.  In this post, Craig talks about Starbucks and the lost art of customer service.

Honestly, as a busy person, customer service (or the lack thereof) influences almost every repeat purchase decision I make. I suspect I am not alone.

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